Sunday, January 3, 2016

Verse 10 of 37 Bodhisattva practises

When your mothers who have loved you since time without beginning
Are suffering, what use is your own happiness?
Therefore, to free limitless beings Develop the Altruistic intention
This is the practice of the Bodhisattvas

Geshe Tenzin Zopa said:

Practice no: 10 is to cultivate bodhicitta.

By understanding life, death and rebirth, karmic cause and
effect, interconnectedness with all sentient beings in relation
to your happiness and suffering, we conclude that all living
beings have been our mothers through countless lives and have
provided immense kindness for us throughout. We therefore
need to remember the kindness of mother sentient beings and
generate the determination to repay their kindness. The ultimate
kindness we can offer is to lead them to enlightenment. This
practice underscores the first method of cultivating bodhicitta
– the 6 cause and one effect method, beginning with seeing all
living beings as having been one’s mother, remembering their
kindness, repaying that kindness, generating unconditinoal love,
cultivating great compassion and generating the altruistic attitude
to take responsibility to bring all beings to enlightenment. The
result is bodhicitta.

Therefore, it is easy to see that without sentient beings, there
is no enlightenment because there would be means to practice,
no means to close the door to samsara. Hence the kindness
of living beings is immeasurable. At the same time, countless
living beings are trapped by ignorance, delusions and sufferings.
Compared to those numberless beings, your rebirth – the
precious human rebirth of all the freedoms and endowments –
has the potential to attain perfection, Buddhahood. If we do not
utilize this life to repay the kindness of living beings through the
cultivation of bodhicitta, our lives are hollow and meaningless.
One should thus make a supplication all the time to be able to
follow the footsteps of the bodhisattvas.


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